Sunday, 13 May 2018

Download ubuntu on Virtual Machine for Windows7

Many times you don't want to change your operating system because you are very comfortable using it(for e.g Windows)  but need some upgradation to do certain things which are not supported by Windows. 
This article tells you about how to install Ubuntu on your system using a Virtual Box.

What is a Virtual Machine?

A  Virtual Machine  is like another system on your system.  A Virtual Machine allows you to install an operating system without changing your main operating system.
Every virtual machine has virtual devices that provide the same functionality as physical hardware and have additional benefits in terms of portability, manageability and security.

How to download Virtual Machine

A virtual machine is a powerful  x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualisation product for enterprise as well as home use. It is the only professional solution freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of GNU General Public License(GPL) version2.

You can download Virtual box Machine from the website

Now  you can run the .exe file in your system and install Virtual Box following the onscreen instructions.

Steps to download Ubuntu on Virtual Machine

1. First download latest version of ubuntu from ,
    this will be an .iso file.

2. Open the virtual box you have installed and go to settings.

3. In here click the storage sub-category.

4. In the storage tee click on the disc icon that says "empty". 

5. Click on the small disc icon with a down arrow on the right hand corner of the storage window .

6. Locate the .iso file  that you downloaded earlier.

7. Click "ok" the settings window to return to the virtual box window.

8. Click start

At this point the .iso file will act like a boot cd and ubuntu will be installed.
The Virtual machine will ask for restart and after it just make sure that the IDE storage is empty again.

Referral links :

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